Status wavepool
We are preparing our wavepool demo center in Knokke-Heist. Civil works are succesfully completed and the team started installing the wavepool machine (also known as our wavemaker). We are more than proud with the support we receive from the community of Knokke-Heist, Belgium. Today, the installation of the high voltage cabins to power our wavepool is a fact. Also, we will be using renewable energy to supply energy to our wavepool. This is a major step in demonstrating our technology to the world. The construction of the basin of 100 by 100 meter started in August 2021. Now, we are ready for the next steps. With the grid connection in place, we now can proceed with the installation of our wavemaker. Next, we will run the necessary dry tests before eventually filling the wavepool with water.
In Knokke-Heist, innovation and sustainability are high on the agenda. Besides, we are the surfing municipality par excellence,” says Mayor Piet De Groote. “AllWaves’ innovative and unique project immediately appealed to us. We are very pleased that the test facility will be opening in summer 2023 to demonstrate the uniqueness of the technology. Network operator Fluvius provided the right electrical capacities and just realized the electricity connection. That is an important technical milestone to be able to showcase the technology.”
We plan to open our show room in summer of 2023. Belgian surf pioneer Frank Vanleenhove, founding father of the famous water sport clubs Surfers & Lakeside Paradise, brings in his surfing experience. Together with international experts representing the surfer’s community, they will help us further fine tune different waves profiles for all levels of surfers.
Of course, potential B2B clients (site operators, developers, investors…) from all over the world will be exclusively invited to personally test & experience our waves. This is a crucial phaes in their technology decision process.
Unfortunately this demo site will never be open for the general public or for commercial surf park operations. The location in Knokke-Heist remains a showroom to demonstrate the innovative AllWaves technology. However, in parallel we have several plans to build a commercial site as soon as possible in Belgium.