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Behind the Scenes: Wave Pool Product Development

fatigue testing on test rigs

What happens behind the scenes in wave pool product development? Testing, testing and some more testing. Testing plays a crucial role in the development of any new technology. At AllWaves, we simulate real-world conditions in a controlled environment to validate the performance, reliability and safety of our wave pool designs before investing significant more resources into full-scale production.

One framework we use is the NASA Technology Readiness Level (TRL) scale. The TRL scale is a measurement system developed by NASA. It is used to assess the maturity of a particular technology, ranging from basic research (TRL 1) to system test, launch, and operations (TRL 9).  

What are the NASA TRL Phases

Here are the different NASA TRL phases broken down:

TRL 2-4: During these early stages, scale models are used to demonstrate the basic principles of a technology and validate its functionality in a laboratory setting. This includes building proof-of-concept prototypes and testing them under controlled conditions to gather reliable data and benchmark performance. All of this happens in scale models. We built & developed multiple wave pool scale models in this phase, 1:20 scale, and 1:10 scale in our test site in Ostend, Belgium.

TRL 5-6: As technology matures, scale models are used to validate the system in a relevant environment, such as a simulated operational setting. This helps identify and address potential issues before moving to full-scale testing. We tested all critical components in an indoor wave pool scale 1:4 prior to building our full-scale test pool.

TRL 7-8: In the final stages of development, a full-scale model is used to demonstrate the system in an operational environment, such as a field test or pilot plant. In our case, this is the R&D test wave pool in Knokke-Heist. This ensures the technology meets all performance requirements and is ready for commercial deployment. This is how potential surf park developers can assess the technology for the projects they have in their countries.

What are Test Rigs

Throughout these different TRL phases, test rigs are commonly used. In our case, this is a tool that simulates the same forces applied on the hydraulics & textile of our wavemaker when making waves. In our test rigs we research various designs & combinations of high-performance fabrics, confection methods & interfaces with our hydraulic equipment. Which has a lot of benefits in wave pool product development.

Benefits of Using Test Rigs

  1. Improved product quality: By thoroughly testing components and systems under controlled conditions, test rigs help identify and address potential issues early in the development process, leading to higher-quality products.
  2. Reduced development costs: Test rigs allow for rapid prototyping and iterative testing, which can significantly reduce the time and resources required to bring a new product to market. By using test rigs, we can simulate what happens in an operational environment after, for example, 1 year of making waves and millions of cycles. And we can see those results in only a matter of weeks.
  3. Enhanced reliability: By pushing systems to their limits in a safe and controlled environment, test rigs help ensure that products will perform reliably under real-world conditions. To pass our tests, the design needs to perform several millions of cycles and several tons of load.
  4. Accelerated integration: Test rigs facilitate early integration with other parts of the system, such as software, allowing for a more seamless development process.
  5. Increased sales: By demonstrating the quality, reliability, and performance of their products, companies can increase customer confidence and drive sales.

What is “CFD”

CFD or computational fluid dynamics is a term you also often hear in the world of water systems & wave pools. Although it has it benefits, nothing beats a real-world scale model or a full scale prototype to actually simulate water movement & forces. The computer-based model is only as powerful as the data used to feed & calibrate it.

In conclusion, the use of the NASA TRL framework in conjunction with test rigs, is essential for the successful development of new technologies, products, and systems. At AllWaves, we use both. Thereby we improve product quality, reduce development costs, enhance reliability, accelerate integration, and shorten our time-to-market.

To learn more about our wave pool product development, read further on our blog or follow us on social media.

Keep surfing!



How to avoid backwash and wave reflection

AllWaves reefs are specifically designed to avoid backwash and wave reflection.

AllWaves reefs are specifically designed to avoid both backwash and wave reflection. With this purpose in mind, the Coastal Ocean Basin (COB) has created the scientific ground for the AllWaves reef setup. The Coastal Ocean Basin is a consortium of the Universities of Ghent and Leuven, and Flanders Hydraulic Research Institute.

But how to avoid backwash and wave reflection in a wavepool

In 2020 we started off with experiments in COB’s wave flume facility. This concrete wave flume is 30m long, 1m wide and 1.2m high. Under those circumstances a 2D slice of the passive wave absorber system can be investigated. Based on desk research that has been performed prior to the tests, a passive wave absorber system was selected. This was subject to further investigation in terms of both reflection coefficients and backwash velocities. In short, the experimental set-up, test matrix and analysis results serve as design guidance for the passive wave absorber system (reef) in our test surf pool in Knokke-Heist.

“Generating perfect wave conditions in recreational surf pools depends on the wave generation system and wave transformation phenomena. Backwash results in steep cross waves and confused wave conditions. Our experiments have led to a state-of-the-art solution delivering a generic reef, where more than 90% of the remaining energy is dissipated.”, says Prof. Peter Troch and Dr. Maximilian Streicher, Coastal & Ocean Basin, Ghent University, Belgium.

It is specifically designed to avoid backwash and wave reflection. This results in soft slopes where incoming waves break and disappear seamlessly. After an AllWaves wave breaks, the water flows back into the pool without disturbing the next perfect, rolling set of waves. Thanks to that, there is no need to interrupt the surfing session to calm down the water. Waves can roll non-stop. And the entire system has an optimized energy efficiency.

To conclude, the abscence of backwash and wave reflection is above all interesting for surf park operators to obtain a commercially viable business model of their wavepool. On the on hand, no wasted time between waves, means surfers can keep surfing, and everyone can catch at least 15 waves in a 1-hour session. On the other hand, no trailing waves means no wasted energy, so optimized operating expenses.

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Scale models to create the perfect wave

perfect wave AllWaves scale model

At AllWaves we intensively use scale models to create the perfect wave. The key to building any new, groundbreaking & innovative technology is following a step-by-step process and lots of prototyping. That is why we draw knowledge from the widely known  NASA TRL methodology. Technology Readiness Levels (TRL) are a type of measurement system used to assess the maturity level of a particular technology. In our 1/10 and 1/20 scale models, we evaluated different wave profiles and materials to use. We look at both wave heights and speed, but also shape and everything in between. Such as backwash & wave reflection.

For an expert opinion, we brought in Belgian surf pioneer Frank Vanleenhove, the founding father of the surfclub “Surfers Paradise” and the sister company “Lakeside Paradise”.  Frank brings in years of surf experience. Through his early-stage involvement, we integrated surfers’ expectations towards waves in a wave pool and embedded that in our design. As waves of 2 m are in the model only 20 cm high, the evaluation consists mainly of a visual check of the different wave profiles. We looked at 48 different profiles considering all level of surfers with different skills & preferences. From beginner to pro.

“Most people focus only on the shape of the lip, the shoulder, the pocket and tube of a wave when observing a wave. To be able to know whether a wave carries enough energy to surf on, you need also to focus on the waves’ backside. We want to see a rather flat shoulder with a vast amount of water that pushes the face in a perfect way (see picture). Secondly, we want to see what happens in the area just in front of the face. When water is sucked into the wave, we experience the wave as a qualified wave”, Steven Nauwelaerts (our CEO) explains.

When energy is not transferred correctly between the wavemaker and the water, trailing waves are created. These are extra waves in between the actual surf waves. Trailing waves represent wasted energy, reduced efficiency and an unpleasant surf sensation. “In none of the settings, we observed trailing waves.“, Frank explains. “I can’t wait to go and catch the waves in the full-scale demo centre. The countdown has started”.

To see for yourself the results of the 1/10 scale model and how a perfect wave looks like, check out the video below.

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